When the people you work with on a daily basis are happy and confident, they’re more productive and efficient. They are a cohesive team ready to embrace the philosophy of your business. They’re willing to try new things, hone skills, grow and expand, while maintaining the level of excellence you’ve spent your career developing.

As a hypnotherapist I come into your office, where you and your staff experience a progressive relaxation and guided imagery session. I usually recommend two to six sessions. Using guided imagery I give you and your staff associations and techniques to facilitate stress reduction, build confidence and increase the positive cohesiveness between all members of the staff. I address all three of these goals in each session for optimum retention. 

In my experience managing my own dental office for 25 years I found that in the dental office, as in many small businesses, there are times when things seem out of balance. Whether it is the fact that the dentist’s preparation has to be significantly modified after it is almost completed, the hygienist’s patient is 20 minutes late, a patient is disrespectful to the assistant, equipment problems are being experienced or the front office is struggling with collection or scheduling, the balance and efficiency of the office is affected. These scenarios represent a minority of experiences in the practice yet can often occupy the energies and thoughts of the dentist and staff the majority of the day. Why do most of us focus on the negative occurrences?

Wouldn’t it be liberating and just make for a more joyful and productive day if you could catch yourself before 90% your day’s thoughts are focused on 10% of the day’s problems?

Wouldn’t it be more productive not to assume blame or assign guilt when these events occur?

A goal of our group hypnosis sessions is to trigger stress reduction techniques and awareness that problem solving requires self love, (yes self love and acceptance) and support for one another in the practice or business. A more confident and stress-free environment leads to a staff that takes an initiative-based, rather than an emotionally reactive, approach towards finding solutions. 

An incredible gift happens when we have self love and acceptance - we feel positive and empowered. We stop blaming ourselves and others for what we think we or others did or did not do. If we can manifest this premise in our core, we can cognitively move forward, happily engage with others and be solution oriented and not problem focused. This is a core result of stress reduction and confidence growth through hypnotherapy. The result – a joyful productive environment!

Call Leslie M. Sejdak, DDS, CHt at (818) 621-7817 or e-mail at