Hypnosis is an enjoyable, conscious, state where you are deeply relaxed and highly focused.  This trance-like state is optimal for your subconscious mind to be receptive to positive suggestions. We all experience hypnosis on a daily basis. We experience hypnosis just before we fall asleep and when we daydream. It is most often compared to the feeling of “losing yourself” in a book or a movie; you’re fully conscious, but tune out most of the stimuli around you.  


Using hypnotic techniques, such as Progressive Relaxation, I guide you into a deeply relaxed, highly focused state where you’re conscious and able to hear positive suggestions that will bring about the changes you want to make in your behaviors. Once you’re in hypnosis, the receptive, subconscious mind takes in positive suggestions through words, phrases, imagery and metaphors. As your subconscious mind processes the information given, you’re able to make the desired changes in your daily routine and thought processes.  

Call Leslie M. Sejdak, DDS, CHt at (818) 621-7817 or e-mail at Lsejdak@aol.com.